Claire’s latest career plans

As part of our new bedtime chats, I asked Claire what she wanted to be when she grew up, and she said, “You know, I always wanted to be a fire fighter.  But my new number one choice is…”, she then paused for effect and then whispered, “teacher!  And my second choice is artist.”  Those seem like great choices!

Claire has mentioned wanting to be a teacher in the past.  She is great with Molly’s classmates when we pick up Molly at school, often pausing and taking time to help one of the toddlers with something or just play with them.  Sometimes she likes to try to teach Molly stuff like writing, as in “Molly, watch.  Here is how you draw an A…”  Despite Molly’s lack of interest and focus, being a toddler and all, Claire persists patiently and normally without getting frustrated, but eventually has to give up as Molly wanders off to go mess with something else.

On the artist front… Claire tells me that she is the second best artist in her kindergarten class.  Irene is definitely the best artist, Claire says, no contest.  But Claire tells me that she has a reputation around the classroom as the second best artist after Irene.  We really love Claire’s art, full of details and imagination.  Being her parents and all, we may be positively biased.  But I will say that Claire does seem to buckle down and really focus on drawing for extended periods better than she does any other activity, except maybe playing Angry Birds.

(Just after I wrote this post, to reiterate her point, Claire brought the following drawing home from school…)

I would like to be an artist...
"I would like to be an artist. Because I am very good at art."


Claire has been learning about maps at school.  It is interesting to see her perspective on the world.  Here are a couple of her first maps.

Claire House Map 4/2012
A map of our house.
Claire Classroom Map 4/2012
A map of Claire's classroom.

President Claire

Claire’s class has been learning about America and the presidents recently.  One assignment was for each kid to write what they would do if they were president.  Claire’s, as usual, focuses on being nice:

"If I were president, I would help mean people be better."

This assignment was posted outside the classroom.  Almost every kid in the class said something about helping other people, especially people in need.  Prospective presidents would “help kids go to school”, “help people that don’t have food”, “help people who were really hurt”, “help homeless people”, “give the people clothes”, and even “give the people money.”  This is basically the opposite of what we hear in the current Republican presidential debates, the theme of which is largely not helping people. I’d vote for the kindergarten kids.  There was one loose cannon in the class, though, who promised to “go into a war” as president.  Claire thought maybe he was confused when he wrote that.

Here is Claire’s other America-relate assignment, which also came out pretty sweet.

"I love my country because there is lots of loving people."

Art Samples #2

Continuing with the new art samples series, here are the latest highlights from Claire and Molly.  This covers the last batch to come home from school before the holiday break.

As usual, Claire’s drawings are full of cryptic words that are a really nice, courageous shot at sounding out the words phonetically.

“You are a flower” 
I can’t tell what this one is trying to say, but I like it.
No idea what “GOTAN” is, but I love this picture.
It looks like it’s out of a botanist’s field journal.  
This one is infused with a bit of Christmas cheer.

Molly is making her mark with finger paint and stickers.

Art Samples #1

Another new recurring idea I just had for this blog is to show regular samples of the girls’ drawings every few months.  I recently got pretty quick with the scanner, so now I don’t mind scanning some art to include here and there.

Claire’s drawing has taken a jump in sophistication lately.  Her recent pictures now include large, complex scenes and a range of ideas and emotions (not just hearts/flowers/butterflies, although those are still quite prominent).  Some of her pictures even have a little bit of a story to them.  Here are a recent few samples, along with Claire’s explanation.

Drawn in Halloween colors, this is a picture
of a flower with a separate picture
contained within each of its pedals.
Plus a bunch of other stuff going on.

The boy has the jumprope.
The girl on the left wants it.
The girl on the right wants to help.
The girl on the right is so nice
that she has a cup of “bug food”
stuck to her head to feed the bugs.

I don’t actually know the explanation for this one.
But it is certainly fun and interesting.

This one is based on the cover art for
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots,
an album by the Flaming Lips.
Claire likes the underdog girl protagonist Yoshimi,
but she also likes the robots
because they’re pink, and pink = good.
So it’s a toss-up.

I wanted to include Molly’s art too, but of course Molly just turned two and is not able to do art like Claire yet.  But Molly did recently create a sparse and provocative piece, which I like to call “One Star Sticker, and a Slight Footprint”.

Okay, so Molly is concentrating on other things right now besides art, like honing her talking skills and learning about the potty.  You’ve got to start somewhere, right?

Tough Time, Sweet Picture

Claire has been picked on more than usual the last few days. For starters, on the drive home from school, Molly has been scratching and pinching Claire. Claire is always in the back seat saying, “No, Molly! Stop doing that!” When I look back, I sometimes see Molly’s hand grasping at Claire, fingers outstretched towards Claire’s shoulder. Claire says that scratching and pinching is “non-negotiable” and is talking about moving her car seat away from Molly.
Then, yesterday, our dog Muffin peed all over Claire’s bed. We have no idea why she picked Claire’s bed, but there it was, soaked through the comforter, both sheets, several blankets, and a pillow.  Claire had to sleep in the guest room while her blankets were in the washer.  Claire was a little concerned that Muffin would sneak into the guest room and pee on her while she was sleeping.
And today, just before I picked her up from school, Claire had a run-in on the playground with a kid named Henry. Claire and Henry have had an ongoing love-hate relationship.  Apparently today, one of Claire’s “Croc” shoes came off during a race. Claire tried to put it back on, but Henry tried to grab it from her. Then he called her some sort of mean name and kept grabbing at her shoe. Then he scratched at Claire’s arm, ruining her very favorite temporary tattoo that she has been wearing for about two weeks. When I arrived, Claire’s friend Renee had rushed to her aid and comfort, I was told later that her friend Jack had somehow gone after Henry. Anyways, Claire was mad and was chasing down Henry and telling him that he should treat others the way he wants to be treated.  I was proud of the way she stood up for herself but did not yell or hit or otherwise attack Henry back.
When we got home, Claire said that she had been having some tough days, and she was going to draw a picture of what tomorrow would look like. Tomorrow was going to be a very good day (dammit!). Here is what she came up with.  Claire asked for my help to spell the words.
You can’t read some of the faint print.
Basically one girl says, “Hey, can I play too?”
The others say, “Sure!” and “Yeah!”

Future Picasso

Claire has showed a renewed interest in drawing lately. Ofter months of limited drawing, her drawings really have really taken off lately. Here are a couple of compositions she took home from school this week.

The first one is a family portrait.
It has her mom, her dad, herself,
and her baby sister Molly holding a bottle.

She also made this Picasso-eqsue drawing of a man eating a lilipop.

White and Yellow Delights

Claire received a small notepad and a yellow marker as a party favor at a friend’s birthday party a few days ago. With nothing but yellow on white, Claire has put together some interesting and surprisingly lively pictures.
This one looks like Molly with her bottle.

This one must be our dog Muffin, since it has four legs.

I’m not sure about this one; it’s probably me or Kit.

Sister’s Portrait

Claire asked me for a blank sheet of paper today, then ran off to her room with the paper and a purple marker.  She emerged about 15 minutes later to hand me the paper, explaining, “See?  It’s Molly!”

Wow!  I did not expect to recognize a real image of Molly, but there she is.  You can see a very clear face in the middle.  I am not sure what the other stuff is.  Maybe blankets, diapers, etc?  Anyways, that face is amazing.  Seriously, that is what Molly really looks like when she is tired.